Lead Magnets and Why They Matter

lead magnet

As I discussed last week, building an email list is dependent on giving people what they want and giving it away for free. If you give something to them that they view as valuable then you create a bond that they will continue to want to take advantage of. These are called lead magnets. They attract and act as a catalyst to conversions.  Initially it might seem daunting when deciding on what exactly you’d like to give away as your lead magnet, but that’s why we’re here to help. Your lead magnet should be something that helps your potential clients with one of the biggest problems you can help them solve. Don’t settle there though because it’s not enough. You need to give away even more for free, without initially requiring contact information, to establish trust, and get people to want to give their contact info for the next level of your wisdom (the actual magnet).

The next step that people often forget is that you need a way to know if and when leads are interacting with your content so that can follow up at the right time. This is the basic function of CRMs and email marketing platforms like Constant Contact. This is the key to acquiring conversations that matter. The details of the content will vary depending on what your industry might be, but make sure you have this designed to get you not just the lead, but the conversation as well. That all being said, here is a basic list of things you can provide as lead magnets.

1. An eBook

2. A Discount

3. A Trial Offer

4. A Free Tool

5. A Useful Guide

6. A Checklist

7. Free Shipping

8. A Quiz or Test Assessment

9.  A Webinar or Video Training

10. A Free Consultation